Monday, October 18, 2010

The Power of Love

Love is a very powerful emotion. It is the only emotion I can think of that can make us laugh, make us smile, make us feel content, or make us hurt, yearn, or feel full of sadness depending on the situation. So many people ask "What is love?" I think there is really no "right" answer. It is all in how you look at it. To me love is giving, love is raw and full of emotion. Love is holding his hand or even just brushing against him while walking. Love is many things, many feelings, many thoughts that all collide at the perfect moment. A feeling that makes the proverbial heart feel so full that it literally could combust. The power of love can control the uncontrollable whilst making the controlled uncontrollable.  It knows no time nor place. It knows no difference between night or day. It is forgiving and it is blind to flaws and imperfections. When it chooses to be seen, to be heard, there is no way to ignore it. When love is not returned, it can break that same heart into pieces so microscopic, that  like Humpty can never be put back together again in the same shape and size it was before. I have been on both ends of this power. I have felt the sheer joy of love and I have felt the utter despair. I am sure I have caused both ends of it as well. The past is the past though, and today I must say I have more love in my heart than I can put into words. I know that same love is sent back to me. I have a feeling of love so deep, so overwhelming, that I could just bust....implode.... I love him.....The power of love resides in me and for that I am the luckiest woman I know!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

October 13, 2010

Good Evening! I was 99% sure I was going to skip posting today. It was a really hard day for many reasons in which I will not bore you with. I then sat down at my computer and found a quote that really made me start to think how insignificant my problems were. I will share that quote and then elaborate....

"Although its light is wide and great, the Moon is
reflected in a puddle one inch wide. The whole Moon
and the entire sky is reflected in one dew drop on the
grass." — Dogen

When I first read this quote, I said to myself, "Wow, I really like that!,"  and then I really stopped to reflect upon it. We live in this enormous universe. We are just specks in this great big world. Have you ever stood in front of the ocean and looked out and wondered just who you are....where you came from? I know I have. There you are, small and meek, in front of one of the most ferocious beasts in the world. It is so fierce and merciless, yet so beautiful. So full of rage, yet so calming. This alluring monstrosity is so much bigger than me. It is bigger than any of us. The same thing that I dream of making love near can take down a town, a city, hell even a state, in a matter of seconds! So just who am I in comparison? I am not sure I will ever know.

Just like the Ocean the Moon is a special entity. If you close one eye and hold out your thumb, the moon is no bigger. A mere illusion can make you think that you can hold the moon and all it's glory right in the palm of your hand. The same moon that drives the feral howl from the wolf. The power the moon holds over us is vast. This same moon can calm your fears. How can the same moon along with a lullaby put a baby to sleep, draw the animal out of man? So lumenous, so mesmerizing, yet reflected in a drop of dew.

It really does make one wonder. By the works of the moon and the ocean, among other works of nature, our world turns. The turning gives us seconds, minutes, hours, day and years. It gives us chance after chance to learn and make mistakes. To feel great emotions, to desire. Gives us the chance to breathe and to feel sadness and joy. The universe is  like the great and powerful Oz. It is big and demanding, but behind the curtain it is giving and kind. It provides everything you or I could ever need. Just who are we to ever ask for more.

The next time you stand on a beach at sunset, with waves singing you a melody or in a desert under the full moon, listening to the howl of what is left of a man, give thanks for the little things. It is the smallest tokens that give us the greatest wisdom.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

October 12, 2010

Greetings! Today I want to propose a question to you. Why does the school board think it necesary to a childs education (or lack there of) to give them a whole week off, when school has only been back in session for 9 weeks? When I went to school there was no such thing and I made it through just fine. All this does is put a kink in all the grown-ups schedules. There was a time I had a dream of becoming a teacher. I just knew I was going to help change the world one child at a time. I worked in a school as a sub for 5 years. There is such gratification in being there as a child learns to read. One minute they just have no clue and then BAM, all of the sudden they get it. Like a light bulb litterally goes off in their head. One minute they are a child and then the next they are a full fledged reader. To know you were a part of something that a child will carry with them forever,  A part of something so miraculous....well let's just say it makes you believe that you can do the impossible. Then you get involved with the school system and how it truly works and you realize it is just that...the impossible. Teachers are very under payed and don't get to do near what they set out to do when they first graduated college. So when you are griping about todays education, take it easy on the teachers. 90% of the time it is not their fault. So back to where this started....why do we need Fall Break? I have no clue.....
So what am I now? Nothing much better. I still work under a group of people who think their sh*t don't stink. I guess that's the way the world turns. There are the ones who think they are better and then there are the rest of us. I would prefer to be who I am over those people any day. Be proud of who you are. There will be at least one point in your life, if not many, that you are all you have.
Til next time,

Monday, October 11, 2010

October 11, 2010

Well, here I am, officially entering the world of blogging. It seems the world is always one step ahead of me on all technology. Alas, here I am, ready to sprinkle little nothings into your day. One reason I have not done this to date is because I am a huge procrastinator. Perhaps the idea of actually sharing my life seemed a bit scary. What if it isn't up to par with yours? What if  you read this and run for the hills? Well, short and sweet, here is my first entry. I am excited to come back tomorrow at an earlier time to share more. I look forward to letting you into a small corner of my mind. I only ask that you be patient with me as I learn. So, tomorrow be prepapred to learn more aobut me than you ever asked for ;-)
Til then,