Tuesday, October 12, 2010

October 12, 2010

Greetings! Today I want to propose a question to you. Why does the school board think it necesary to a childs education (or lack there of) to give them a whole week off, when school has only been back in session for 9 weeks? When I went to school there was no such thing and I made it through just fine. All this does is put a kink in all the grown-ups schedules. There was a time I had a dream of becoming a teacher. I just knew I was going to help change the world one child at a time. I worked in a school as a sub for 5 years. There is such gratification in being there as a child learns to read. One minute they just have no clue and then BAM, all of the sudden they get it. Like a light bulb litterally goes off in their head. One minute they are a child and then the next they are a full fledged reader. To know you were a part of something that a child will carry with them forever,  A part of something so miraculous....well let's just say it makes you believe that you can do the impossible. Then you get involved with the school system and how it truly works and you realize it is just that...the impossible. Teachers are very under payed and don't get to do near what they set out to do when they first graduated college. So when you are griping about todays education, take it easy on the teachers. 90% of the time it is not their fault. So back to where this started....why do we need Fall Break? I have no clue.....
So what am I now? Nothing much better. I still work under a group of people who think their sh*t don't stink. I guess that's the way the world turns. There are the ones who think they are better and then there are the rest of us. I would prefer to be who I am over those people any day. Be proud of who you are. There will be at least one point in your life, if not many, that you are all you have.
Til next time,

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